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Cookie Policy

This website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that may be used by website to improved the user experience.

We use cookies to personalise content and advertisements, provide social media features and analyse our traffic. We also share information about your use of our website with our partners in the area of social media, advertising and analyses, who may combine it with other information provided by you or collected by them during your use of their services.

Under the law, we may store cookies on your device without your consent if they are strictly necessary to operate this site (see the Essential Cookies section). All other types of cookies require your consent, the full wording of which can be found here, and which you can withdraw at any time here.

More information about who we are, how you can contact us and how we process personal data can be found in the Privacy Policy.

Types of Cookies


Essential cookies enable us to make the website usable. They provide basic functions, such as site navigation and access to secure areas of the website. The website can not operate properly without these cookies.

Cookies can be blocked = disabled, but, because of that, some parts of the website may not be displayed correctly and some parts may not even work. Here you can find the cookie settings for the most commonly used browsers:

Analytical and Performance

These cookies are intended to improve the website's functioning. They are used, for example, to understand how visitors interact with the website, and they usually help provide information about the visitor number metrics, immediate abandonment rate, traffic source, etc. Further, analytical cookies enable visitors to easily find what they are looking for. They may also be used to improve the website performance and speed.


Preferential cookies enable the website to remember information that changes the way the website behaves and is displayed. These may include, for example, your preferred language or the region where you are located.

Advertising and Marketing

Advertising cookies are used to monitor visitors across the website. The aim is to display advertisements relevant and attractive for individual users and, thus, they are more valuable for third party publishers and advertisers.

List of cookies used

To see the full list of cookies, please click the categories of cookies here.

*created by Cookie lišta 2022
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